
『創世記・参考資料』歴史資料:参考資料『メソポタミア・地中海東岸』② [創世紀(牛角と祝祭・その民族系譜)]



 著述者:歴史学講座「創世」 小嶋 秋彦
Ismail Hijara「Arpachiyah 1976」
Iraq vol.XLⅡ part2、1980.
The Holy Bible containing 
the Old and New Testament,
set forth in 1611 and
commonly known 
as The King James Version,
American Bible Socity, New York.
THE BIBLE containing 
the Old and New Testament 
revised standard version,
revised A.D.1881-1885 and 
revised A.D.1901 
compared with the most ancient authorities
and revised A.D.1952,
second edition of the New Testament A.D.1971, 
American Bible Socity, New York.
The Holy BIBLE containing
the Old and New Testament  
new revised standard version,
Oxford University Press.
Holy Bible from Ancient Eastern Text,
George M. Lama's Translations
From Aramaic of the Peshitta.
Die Bibel in Heutigen Deutsh.
1982, Deutche Bibelge sellshaft
Heilige Schrift des Alten und
des Neuen Testament, Privilegere,
Württembergishe Bibelanstartt,
Stuttgart, Deutsh.
Evangelical Comontary on the Bible
edited by Walter A.Elwell, 1989,
Baker Book House, Grand Rapids,
Michigan 49516.
The New Jerome Biblical Commentary 
edited bt Raympnd E.Broown, SS,
Fitzmyer,S.J., Roland E.Murphy, O Carm.
1990, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey 07632.
The Anchor Bible GENESIS, introduction,
translation, and notes by E.A.Speisen,
Doubleday & Company, Inc.,
Garden City, New York, 1987.
Studies in Biblical and semitic Symbolism
by Maurice H.Parbridge, N.A.,
the Library ofBiblical Studies 
edited by Harry M.Orlinsky,
Ktav Publishing House, Inc., 
New York 1970.
The Cambridge Ancient History,
Volumue Ⅰ Part1, 
Prolegomena and Prehistory 
editied by 
I.E.S Edwards F.B.A.,
the late C.J. Gadsd F.B.A.,
N.G. Hammond,
Cambridge University Press, 
Cambridge, London 1970.
The Cambridge Ancient History,
Volumue Ⅰ Part2, 
Early History of the Middle East
editied by 
I.E.S Edwards F.B.A.,
the late C.J. Gadsd F.B.A.,
N.G. Hammond,
Cambridge University Press, 
Cambridge, London 1970.
Archaeological History
of the Ancient Middle East,
Jack Finegan, 
Dorest Press, New York, USA, 1986.

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